Our Firm
Our Philosophy
"God Owns It All"
Our philosophy is grounded by a Biblical Christian approach to creating a financial lifestyle God's way, not man's. We do not subscribe to the mythical retirement scenario espoused by the government, Wall Street, or the news media.
Do Not Build Assets Build Cash Flow
Consider your financial situation today without forecasting the future. Researchers will continue to make assumptions and build formulas to calculate the so-called ideal retirement savings rates for an individual. In my opinion, these methods are just numbers in the wind—analogous to Don Quixote chasing windmills.
Nobody should absolve themselves from the responsibility of managing their assets. God calls us to be good stewards of our money. We should put our hope in God, not man. Our Christian Life Planning program is grounded in the fundamental belief that people should have ownership over their decisions. It is only through ownership that people are more apt to stay motivated and take action to achieve their goals. Our Biblically Responsible Investing program is designed to align with your faith, goals, values, and beliefs.
"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life." 1 Timothy 6: 17-19
Meet Our Founder
Dr. Gerald House Financial Counselor/Financial Planner/Published Author
I am a serial entrepreneur who has owned, managed, or partnered in several business ventures, including engineering and construction, real estate, and financial services. Some of the business ventures I have been involved with are a fence company, a general contracting business, an independent real estate appraiser, a real estate broker, a business broker, a partner in a steel fabrication shop, and a financial advisor and coach. I have a diverse background in business management, business brokerage, business exit strategies, financing, real estate investments, real estate appraisal, construction, and personal financial services. One of these days I am going to retire…. NOT!
My professional education includes engineering (Army Engineer School), History (BA Augusta University), a Master of Science in Business Management (MSM Southern Wesleyan University), and a Doctoral Degree (DBA Walden University) with a finance concentration.
I am a veteran who served my country as an Army Civil Engineer Officer in the National Guard and retired with over 20 years of service—8 years of full-time service. I have designed and managed projects in Egypt, Jordan, Oman (Desert Storm), the Dominican Republic, and the Republic of Georgia (former USSR), along with numerous domestic projects in the U.S. I have had the pleasure of serving with some of the greatest American Patriots of our time. I will always cherish their friendship and support.
I am also a family man blessed with a large family: four children and twelve grandchildren. And, of course, a very special angel (my wife Cookie) who has, for reasons I still cannot comprehend, managed to endure my many blunders and dry humor for over 40 years. I am also a middle sibling with two sisters and an older brother who has since gone to be with the Lord. Both of my parents continue to be very supportive in my life, and I thank them daily.
I am a disciple of Christ, and I give back my time by volunteering for various Church activities, including "Financial Peace University." My faith is very important to my family and me, and I continue to grow and learn every day. I thank God for allowing me to serve people with the life purpose he has designed especially for me.
I have a passion for teaching financial money management and investing. I consider myself a "prosperity coach" because prosperity is the goal we all want to achieve in our financial lives. I believe it is my mission to educate people on true financial independence so they can enjoy the freedoms it brings and not be burdened with financial hardships.
I have been a slave to the financial burdens of life. I have witnessed firsthand how bad advice can ruin a good business or destroy a person's life savings. Now, I am a "truth gladiator," ready to fight for those people who need honest financial advice and direction in their lives.
I am a "regular Joe." I am not famous—yet—nor do I have superpowers. (Although my grandchildren still wonder how I can pull small balls out of their ears) Allow me to share some of my knowledge and experiences with you. Hopefully, you will gain insight into an area thought to be too complicated to understand.
Our Promise to Our Clients
We will serve both Christians and non-Christians with quality advice using Biblical principles.
We will act as fiduciaries (in the best interest) for our clients at all times and in all circumstances.
We will never compromise our integrity by subscribing to mythical financial gimmicks or false ideologies.
We will adhere to evidence-based investing and best practices for our industry.
Our fee structure will always be open and transparent with no surprises.
We will endeavor to eliminate financial jargon from our client conversations.
The technology we use will enhance and deliver uncompromised efficiency and value for our clients.
We will invest our client’s assets with a cost-aware mindset. We will not utilize expensive financial products that do not add value proportionate to their costs.
We will respond to our client’s questions or concerns within 24 hours—no exceptions.